Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
Yang saya hormati
( Sebut semua yang hadir dalam acara itu )
Pada esempatan TELLING STORY kali ini saya akan membawakan tema tentang alam kita yang mulai merusak.
Dizaman yang serba modern ini banyak sekali perubahan yang terjadi. Memang kita sadari bahwa semakin majunya perkembangan dunia membuat sebagian besar manusia menjadi lupa dengan hal-hal yang alami. Contohnya saja kurangnya rasa cinta masyarakat terhadap lingkngan sekitar. Terutama tumbuh-tumbuhan yang selama ini telah menjaga kelestarian alam dari racun karbondioksida sekaligus sebagai paru-paru dunia, apalagi semakin bertambahnya jumlah kendaraan di INDONESIA kususnya di BULUNGAN. Hal itu memang menjadi keprihatinan banyak kalangan, namun sayang, alam tidak akan bisa menjadi baik hanya dengan kata-kata yang dilontarkan oleh seseorang hingga ratusan orang.
Namun, walaupun Cuma satu orang yang berani untuk melakulan perubahan dengan cara bertindak akan menjadi lebih baik dibandingkan dengan sepuluh orang.
Teman-teman ku yang baik hati, mungkin hanya ini yang perlu saya sampaikan muda-mudahan bias menggoyahkan hati kita semua dan ingat selalu TIADA HUTAN TIADA MASA DEPAN..
Wassalamu’alikum Wr.Wb
Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
Honorable me to
( say all that present in that program )
In this TELLING STORY opportunity, I will tell about our country that begins to damage.
In this period that modern very many changed. Yes we are right, that more and more the word jamming made most of people forget with our nature. For example the realized that begin lost about our surroundings. Firstly our plants that have been look after our safety nature from carbon all ate once as the word lungs, let alone more and more added the vehicle in INDONESIA especially in BULUNGAN. That is made many people be apprehensive, but, nature will not be well by just talk and talk without do that many people said, till hundreds people.
How ever, although just one people that brave to do some thing for our nature will be better than ten people.
In that finishing there are people said that “in this time nature have been begin not to like humans” is that right? Or just humans that more and more forget with nature. So, I stand here just for realized my self and ask for all people to save and love our nature anymore by attitudes that appropriate with the nature hope, not just can give warning to each other more even ask other people without do something and try to begin.
Friends that good, maybe just it this that I want to say I hope what that I had said can make changed our liver be better than before and brave to begin the changing, And remember that “NO FOREST NO FUTURE”
I think that all
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb
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